Retreat with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng 2015

“The Flowering of Human Consciousness”. The 16 – 20 september 2015 We welcome everyone to retreat with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng at Oslofjord Convention Center!
This retreat with Eckhart and his wife Kim will bring together people from all over the world! It will be a unique opportunity for the deepening of Eckhart Tolle teaching. Oslofjord Convention Center is beautifully situated by the fjord, close Stokke Vestfold.
Eckhart and Kim provides daily instruction, answering questions, guide meditation and motion exercises. We also get time in stillness, when we get the opportunity to experience the present's power and presence.
The retreat also includes a meditative concert with the renowned flutist and saxophonist Praful.
Alla participating in the retreat staying at Center. It will be an amazing experience to be collected in this way and to go deep in attendance and learning together! Upon notification to Register thus both teaching (Tuition Fee) and for room and board (Accomodation).
OBS! The early bird price until 1 april!
The course fee is 5300 NOK t.o.m. 1 April and then 6100 ENOUGH.
The total price depends on the accommodation you choose (prices from 4675 NOK and 7195 ENOUGH.)
Click here to go to programs, Information and registration.
The event is a collaboration between The magazine Vision (NO), Spread The Word (I KNOW) and Quantum Seminars (DK)
January 22, 2015 at 5:21 pmI have already booked me into this evan events. I wonder if it is possible to pay in February and March all.
Can one reserve 1 place.
Sincerely Purple.
Candra Karlholm
January 23, 2015 at 10:45 amHello Purple!
Tack för ditt intresse för retreaten. Det kommer svar till dig via e-post. All's Well!
January 23, 2015 at 4:36 amtar gärna del av era utskick i framtiden 🙂
Candra Karlholm
January 23, 2015 at 10:45 amDet var roligt att höra, Ewa! Vi ordnar det. 🙂
(Man kan anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet längst ner på sidan, i det mörkgrå fältet.)
Agnetha Andreasson
January 24, 2015 at 5:25 pmHello,
Jag vill absolut vara med på detta event och undrar om det är möjligt att betala senare i år?
Bästa Hälsningar
Candra Karlholm
January 24, 2015 at 7:31 pmHej Agnetha! Tack för ditt intresse för retreaten. Det kommer svar till dig via e-post. All's Well!
January 26, 2015 at 5:16 pmcan you please give this information about Kim+Eckhart’s visit in English also. Thank you very much. Regards.
Candra Karlholm
January 27, 2015 at 12:52 amThanks for the reminder, Moira! Now I have translated the text (availabe if you click on the American flag icon).
All the best!
Annika Nordin
February 4, 2015 at 9:38 pmHello, va bra! rätt i tiden 🙂
Jag vill också veta om det går
att delbetala, maila mig gärna!
Candra Karlholm
March 2, 2015 at 4:47 pmHej Annika!
Vi har ingenting med anmälningar och betalning att göra denna gång. Unfortunately it is not possible for partial payment. All's Well, moon
February 27, 2015 at 2:52 pmhi candra!
do you know how many people can take part in this event?
all the best
Candra Karlholm
March 2, 2015 at 4:46 pmHi Ansgar! Yes, 600 people can come. 300 tickets are sold right now. All the best to you, moon
March 3, 2015 at 8:03 pmI wonder if it is possible to just book the one to two days and stay with friends. Would have been wonderful with options for those who do not have much money but still enjoy Tolles presence.
Candra Karlholm
March 4, 2015 at 12:03 pmHej Annika!
Unfortunately, there is no way to stay off the center or to participate less than the whole event.
We really tried to get to the open area at the end of the program, and completely agree with you about what you say, but unfortunately, could not this time.
All's Well!
March 4, 2015 at 10:35 amHi,
This sounds amazing and I would like me and my boyfriend to come, however we just paid a vacation so I wonder if its possible to pay later in the year and divide it perhaps?
smooth Myrman
March 5, 2015 at 1:08 amHello!Have a small issue? Before any book, I wonder if there will be an interpreter who translates , because some will probably eh in English .
Mvh Lena M
Candra Karlholm
March 6, 2015 at 8:03 pmHello Lena!
Oh, good question! I'm pretty sure that there will be no translation… But I look up and I'd be wrong as I write this and emailed to you as well for safety! All's Well, moon
mats molid
November 24, 2015 at 9:20 amHello!
Like Eckhart lot and myself have been practicing meditation since 2001. In Buddhism, Greed and anger along with the ignorance that drives the wheel of samsara.
If Eckhart is Illuminated, has an open heart where he does so, all their money?
with heat
Mats Molid
Candra Karlholm
November 25, 2015 at 11:53 amHello Mats!
Thanks for your email and for visiting our website!
I do not know anything about what Eckhart makes its money. Perhaps, he says in his newsletter if he supports. You can of course also try to put the question to his organization:
All's Well!
mats molid
March 1, 2016 at 11:06 amHello Candra!
Thanks for the reply! Did the issue was important to ventilate when Eckhart is one of the world's most influential people in spiritual matters. Many want to walk in his footsteps.
All's Well!
Mats Molid