Wisdom / Sophia Empowerment Intensive 2015

med Chameli Ardagh, Awakening Women, och ShantiMayi
12 – 14 June, 2015 Bromma Salen, Alviks Civic, Stockholm.
Fre 18 – 21.30, Sat. 10 – 21, Sun 10 – 17.
Buy tickets here!
Also: Sacred Circle och One-day-intensive med ShantiMayi 12 – 15 June. Ability to package price.
We asked Chameli and ShantiMayi to do something together, something for all women, regardless of previous experience and the way. They said yes and created this weekend! Here is the invitation:
Awakening women all over the world feel called to embody and express the wisdom of the heart. In this time of great struggle and great potential we long to bring this healing medicine to both ourselves and others.
A life rooted in our inner wisdom serves us in all aspects of our day-to-day living; in relating, in business and parenthood, in our service and spiritual practice.
To embody this wisdom is a practice – and you don’t have to do it alone!
The women’s circle is a mirror and a safe container, reminding us of our deeper calling when it would feel easier to slip into the old and familiar tracks, and celebrating us at the times we stand tall in the authority of the wisdom that flows through us.
Chameli guides us in Women’s Temple practices; highly experiential and in-the-body oriented exercises. Through goddess myths, inquiry, respectful touch, movement, held in the safe container of the women’s field you will be drawn into a deeper realization and embodiment of your innate wisdom and power.
ShantiMayi meets us in Sacred Circle, where she responds to questions and sharing from the group, and creates a field of awakening together with all of us.
We will end our gathering with a powerful Sophia Empowerment ritual, placing you firmly in your seat as a wisdom keeper, accessing the support of a linage of wise women from all times and all traditions who live in service to the awakening of us all.
For a more detailed course description / invitation, click here.
Read what Chameli writes about this weekend and his meeting with ShantiMayi here.
This is going to be something special, with amazing women from near and far! Welcome - and invite with your girlfriends. Imagine being able to share this with them! If we all spread the word, we can be 200 Women in place in June, and unforgettable days together.
Wisdom / Sophia Intensive 3 495 SEK.
The fee relates entire weekend course:
12 June: Sacred Circle 18.00 – 19.30, Temple Practices 20.00 – 21.30
13 June: Temple Practices 10.00 – 17.30, Sacred Circle 19.00 – 21.00
14 June: Temple Practices 10.00 – 15.00 Initiation Ceremony 15.00 – 17.30
Food and accommodation will be arranged for yourself. The course takes place in Bromma Hall, Alviks Civic in Alviks C, so there are good opportunities to go out and eat nearby, or you can bring your own food. It is also very good public transport here.
ShantiMayi also Sacred Circle evenings and a full-day course, (men are also welcome to these!) A Sacred Circle takes place after Wisdom Sophia Intensive Empowerment on Sunday night.
OFFER: Buy ticket ALL for 4 495 SEK!
This price includes Wisdom / Sophia Intensive med Chameli & ShantiMayi + Sacred Circle with ShantiMayi Sunday 14 June, + Full day with ShantiMayi including evening chanting and Sacred Circle Monday 15 June for a price of total 4 495 SEC.
- Do you want to know more?
- Visit Chamelis and Awakening Womens hemsida.
- Read Monica Katarina Frisk Article about Chameli and her work with women.
- Read our short interview with ShantiMayi.
- Visit ShantiMayis website.
Photo by Bibbe Friman.
April 24, 2015 at 6:25 pmWill this circle be conducted in Swedish or English?
Candra Karlholm
April 25, 2015 at 9:28 amIn English, Mary! Most welcome.
April 25, 2015 at 6:31 amHello
I feel called to this workshop and I am currently looking into flights. Do you have any recommendations for simple lodging close to the workshop venue? I would travel in from Hong Kong.
Love to hear from you before 30 April so I can make use of the Early Bird Price.
Thank you & blessings
Candra Karlholm
April 25, 2015 at 9:30 amDear Corinne, I will e-mail you some suggestions shortly. You find good options by searching on http://www.booking.com for instance, but I will send you som links. Most welcome! moon
May 11, 2015 at 11:30 amDear sisters,
I am selling a ticket for this intensive plus a ticket for Sacred Circle Sunday evening.
I am selling them both together for 2745 SEK.
Please contact me at privat@camillealsted.dk.
Love, Camille
Brahma Kerstinsdotter
June 12, 2015 at 8:35 amDear sister, I been looking forward sooo much to come, but this week I have had fever since monday. To exhausted to go. Is it possible to give my ticket to anybody else. First I am talking about Friday and Saturday. If I feel better today I take the train tomorrow but……Take the price you think is reasonable. Love Brahma
Brahma Kerstinsdotter
June 12, 2015 at 1:15 pmI got fever again so I cancel the whole weekend. If anybody wants my placeI feel good. I paid early price for the whole event.. Love Brahma
Candra Karlholm
June 17, 2015 at 12:02 pmBrahma, I’m sorry you were ill and missed the event. I will send you an e-mail about this. Love, moon