Full invitation to Wisdom / Sophia Empowerment Intensive

Wisdom/Sophia Empowerment Intensive & Ceremony
A gathering of women
With ShantiMayi (Satsang)
& Chameli Ardagh (Women’s Temple Practice)
Stockholm, Sweden, June 12 to 14, 2015
Sophia, Shekinah, Shakti, Saraswati, Prajnaparamita –
Wisdom teachings from all traditions point us towards
a source of infinite creativity and deep knowing found within us.
Wisdom is not something to achieve or to “get”
– it is breathing you, growing you, moving you right now.
Awakening women all over the world feel called to embody and express the wisdom of the heart. In this time of great struggle and great potential we long to bring this healing medicine to both ourselves and others.
Welcome to a weekend intensive where you will be encouraged to follow this longing within, all the way into the splendid cathedral of wisdom that is your own heart. We will practice to root ourselves in the vast intelligence within us, and to listen and honor the thread of memory and creativity that has been passed on from woman to woman since the beginning of time.
Here at the very edge of evolution, we take a firm stand to be the voices of feminine wisdom as we co-create a world reflecting the brilliance of our hearts.
A life rooted in our inner wisdom serves us in all aspects of our day-to-day living; in relating, in business and parenthood, in our service and spiritual practice.
To embody this wisdom is a practice – and you don’t have to do it alone!
The women’s circle is a mirror and a safe container, reminding us of our deeper calling when it would feel easier to slip into the old and familiar tracks, and celebrating us at the times we stand tall in the authority of the wisdom that flows through us.
ShantiMayi meets us in Sacred Circle, where she responds to questions and sharing from the circle, and creates a field of awakening together with all of us.
Chameli guides us in Women’s Temple practices; highly experiential and in-the-body oriented exercises. Through Goddess myths, inquiry, respectful touch, movement, held in the safe container of the women’s field you will be drawn into a deeper realization and embodiment of your innate wisdom and power.
We will end our gathering with a powerful Sophia Empowerment ritual, placing you firmly in your seat as a wisdom keeper, accessing the support of a linage of wise women from all times and all traditions who live in service to the awakening of us all.
About Sophia from Wisdom of Salomon (Old Testament):
She is the mobility of all movement;
She is the transparent nothing that pervades all things.
She is the breath of God,
A clear emanation of Divine Glory,
No impurity stains Her.
She is God’s spotless mirror
reflecting eternal light
and the image of divine goodness.
Although she is One,
She does all things.
Without leaving Herself
She renews all things.
Generation after generation She slips into holy souls,
Making them friends of God and prophets…
april 6, 2015 at 8:11 e mHi- im interested in your july 12-14 workshop- what about us english speakers?
Candra Karlholm
april 6, 2015 at 11:16 e mHi Sunshine. English speakers are most welcome to the workshop – it’s all in English. Hope to see you there!
Candra Karlholm
april 6, 2015 at 11:18 e mBut it is in June, not July. 🙂
Mahana Devi
april 23, 2015 at 11:01 e mHi Sisters,
if i would come from Switzerland, where could i stay nearby for eco budget?
Thank you
Candra Karlholm
april 25, 2015 at 9:53 f mHi Mahana,
Here is a link to lodging options on Kungsholmen which is close to the venue, sorted with the cheaoest at the top. Please note that my search was for the nights of June 12th and 13th, so people wishing to join the evening Sacred Circle and / or the One Day Intensive on June 15th (with ShantiMayi) would need to book one more night.
Warm welcome to you!