In the spirit of change
We are so pleased to be able to present this new collaboration to you! Turiya is a very well known and prominent course leader and therapist who has worked to support people in development 45 years. She is one of the founders of, and still leads many of the courses in Path of Love called “the masterpiece of theraphy for human beings” by another therapist and who has 98 % satisfied participants worldwide. She also educates others in the art of working with people in a certified one-year program.
Turiya is appreciated for its warmth, presence and their unique ability to meet people right where they are and guide them through transformative processes. She leads in the safe, respectful and knowledgeable ways that only the one who has done an in-depth job can do. Whether you are new to your development path or have walked that path for many, For many years you can find joy and support in learning and exploring with Turiya!
We often rush through life and do not take time to stop. We do what we can to get through difficult experiences, break-ups and crises as soon as possible – survive, move on. But a crisis, a difficulty, a challenging situation can be an opportunity for growth and development, if we stop and meet it and ourselves with compassion, presence and attention. It can be difficult to do it all on your own.
Here is an opportunity to do an exploration of your life with Turiya and a group, one to four Saturdays starting 30 May. Directly from home, via the Web!