Sacred Circle med ShantiMayi

Video: ShantiMayi talking about living a spiritual life and to live from the heart.
ShantiMayi is the first Westerner, as well as the first woman ever to be a “lineage holder” in the line of exceptional Indian teachers in Sacha tradition. It is said that the tradition goes back to the beginning of this universal cycle and only exists for one purpose - education for all. ShantiMayi has brought the work of this great tradition of spiritual masters to the West. She is inspired by the essence of many traditions: hinduism, Christianity, buddhism, shamanism, Aborigines and Indians nature religions, but she speaks directly from his own spirituality and experience, and turns constantly our attention back to ourselves.
ShantiMayi has written the book In our hearts we know summoned “a guidebook or Lonely Planet to the heart” of a reviewer.
More info:
Video: See ShantiMayi speak on a sand-conference 2013 (Science and Non Duality).